5 Exercises to Do at Home

5 Exercises to do at Home

Life can get busy, and oftentimes we find ourselves traveling or otherwise unable to get to our preferred health and fitness facility for a workout. Here I am going to tell you about 5 exercises that you can do at home and that fits your needs and abilities



This exercise helps you get in better shape when included in daily workout plans. It helps to strengthens your core, reduces calories, strengthens the muscles of your, boosts athletic ability and strength lower body

How to Do it:-

Step 1: Straight with feet hip-width apart.

Step 2: Tighten your stomach muscles.

Step 3: Bent down your knees, Pretending that you are about to sit down in a chair.

Step 4: Then push your body back up to return to a standing position.

Step 5: Repeat the above steps.



This exercise helps you to  increase muscle mass, strengthen your intenstine, back muscles and legs.

How to Do it:-

Step 1: Stand straight with your feet at shoulder level.

Step 2: Take your right foot forward and stretch it a bit.

Step 3: Then bend your knees forward while keeping your back straight.

Step 4: Pull back and repeat with the other leg.



This exercise is one of my favourite exercise which i do in my daily workout. It helps to strengthen your core abs and helps to reduce belly fat.

How to Do it:-

Step 1: To start plank exercise lie on the ground on the stomach.

Step 2: Now place your elbows below your shoulders.

Step 3: Make and maintain a straight body line from head to toe.

Step 4: Now hold and maintain this position as long as you can hold.

Step 5: Take your breaths slowly while exercising.

Leg Raises

Leg Raises

It is a very good and effective abs exercise ,which helps tone the abs and  strength core , which helps in heavy lifting.

How to Do it:-

Step 1: Lie on your back, legs straight and together.

Step 2: Keep your legs straight and lift them all the way up to the ceiling until your butt comes off the floor.

Step 3: Slowly lower your legs back down till they're just above the floor. Hold for a                         moment.

Step 4: Raise your legs back up and Repeat.


Push ups

This exercise is a fat burning exercise and if you do it everyday it reduces your weight fast , helps to increase your testosterone and it makes your body flexible.

How to Do it:-

Step 1: Get down on all fours, placing your hands slightly wider than your shoulders.

Step 2: Straighten your arms and legs.

Step 3: Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor.

Step 4: Pause, then push yourself back up and Repeat.

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